Dr. Andre Foote Keeping Abreast of Developments In Medicine and Science

This question came to mind recently after visiting with a nutritionist/dietician.. My takeaway from that visit is that she has not read or opened a book since graduation 40 years ago. Neither has she used the Internet to know what’s trending.  Still coming with the “one size fits all approach” to addressing the challenges of diabetes that affects so many Jamaicans.

I try to keep abreast of the developments with regard to diabetes and high blood pressure and the spin-offs that accompany these chronic diseases. My time with this dietician felt like a waste as she came with a printout of a 5-page document that utilizes the ‘old and outdated approach to managing diabetes.

I must admit that the same can be said for some doctors. 60 years and over. And again I speak from experience which I have been going through having reached the grand old senior age like them.

But all is not lost. Let me address the work of a not so senior medical practitioner  (dentist)who I have known and had the benefit of his services for almost 25 years. One who I can vouch for,  has kept abreast with the technology and the ever-changing times..especially in this Covid-19 era….when people are afraid of the interaction and the need for social distancing.

In 1996, I had the honour and privilege of bringing to Jamaica, the Hon Minister Louis Farrakhan amidst much pressure from corporate Jamaica and threats for withdrawal of financial support to the Mustard seed community which was one of the beneficiaries of the funds that were raised from the project. Its success led to a request from the then opposition party for my company, Corporate Image, to invite South Africa’s Winnie Mandella to Jamaica. But politics and controversy intervened. Winnie was arrested and could not leave South Africa..

That project was halted mid-way and never got off the ground but that marked the meeting of one of Jamaica’s most highly trained and competent dentists, Dr Andre Foote. As the deputy chairman of the NDM, he was given the task to link the organizers of the Farrakhan visit because if we were able to successfully pull off that visit under so much opposition, and duress then Winnie Mandella’s would be like cheese to chalk.


Finding a dentist in Kingston, Jamaica
Dr. Andre Foote

I have been going to Dentist Andre Foote from that time until now and I have noticed how he keeps up-to-date with the technology and the most important thing..his high level of client/customer service and satisfaction outruns even that of places like in the UK. While I was studying there, I had a tooth emergency. I am very fussy about my teeth which have always given me a challenge being diabetic.


During the 25  years that I have been receiving dental services from Dr Foote, I tried another service once and vowed never to return there again despite their more affordable charges. My endorsement of Dr Foote’s professionalism was cemented when I had that emergency in the UK while studying and went to one of their dentists there. His question to me was ..”Who does your dental work?”.  He thought I was seeing another dentist in England. I told him all the work he had seen in my mouth was done by my dentist in Jamaica. His response was..”Excellent work. Flawless. He’s really very professional”.

Here’s what I enjoy..yes enjoy about going to dentist Dr Foote. He ensures your comfort before you open your mouth. You are given your choice of music with headphones. You are surrounded by beautiful and inspiring paintings and photographs  by some of our top artists..and the receptionists and dental assistants have obviously been well trained to ensure that you are totally relaxed before the procedure.

Everything is computerized and with the click of a button, your records are all there. Explaining to you the procedure and what to expect is also very calming. Not to mention the follow-up and aftercare. How many doctors or dentists in Jamaica call up their patients to ensure that all is well? This is such a personalized approach to aftercare service especially for those of us with other underlying challenges.


Reception Area

Good Customer service is lacking in almost every service area in Jamaica and this applies to both public and private sector agencies. So when we do come across consistently good service that moves with the times and changes, we cannot let it go unnoticed. Staying with the technology and upgrading with the times, changing the old approach to medical services is key and is required from those who have been in the business for many years..lest they like everything else become outdated, obsolete and bankrupt for new ideas. Covid and the internet (The University of YouTube and Google) have brought many to their knees and forced them out of business!

Guest Contributor Lois Grant.