b27b5a96517c0329fd7b8e1054514084I felt so excited and proud this week when my daughter came home and announced that she had decided that she wants to follow in her father’s footsteps and become a dentist. She’s currently in her final year of high school and is about to go off to college. All along I had no idea she was considering dentistry as a possible career path. Much to my amazement, she said she had career day at school and had to write an essay on what career she was leading towards going into college, I would like to share her essay with you.




My Career and Why
Tess Foote

Throughout my entire life I’ve watched my dad shape his practice into what it’s become today. My father is a hard worker who is always looking for new and innovative ideas to improve his business. He is firmly dedicated to his work and has an authentic passion for what he does. He comes home from work with a smile on his face, bursting to share with the family the events of his day.

As a child I struggled with the question of “What do you want to be in the future?” Making such an important decision is not easy for many, I especially felt the pressure as all of my sisters seemed so certain as to which path they were geared towards. The thought of becoming a dentist first crossed my mind the summer I worked with my father. I must admit I was not very enthusiastic, as I was giving up my summer holiday, but my father ended up instilling in me the passion he himself had for dentistry.

Seeing the smiles on all the patients’ faces as they left the office definitely had an impact on me. There is an old saying that a good smile “warms hearts and opens doors”. After closely observing my dad at work I finally understood why he was so passionate about Twingates Dental, you get this sort of satisfaction knowing that your patients leave your office a bit more confident than they entered. Not only is my dad an excellent dentist but also a very sociable and friendly man who forms a bond with all his patients.

This is why I believe dentistry is the career for me, my dad gets to interact with so many different people each day, people of all ages that he’s become great friends with, while he aids them in obtaining that winning smile which definitely boosts their self-esteem and makes them more approachable. With a career like that, growing up doesn’t seem so bad.